Research area
My research area is pediatric rehabilitation medicine and childhood onset disabilities, focusing on the early development and follow-up of children and youth on health and functioning, and their transition to adulthood.
This is what I am most proud of
Finishing the national PERRIN study (Pediatric Rehabilitation Research in the Netherlands; 2000-2019), a 13- years follow-up of 421 children and young adults with cerebral palsy on their development in several life areas. PERRIN results are available published in 100 international publications and 11 PhD theses.
Start of the Netherlands CP register to follow-up individuals with CP to improve their health and patient care.
Leading an international consortium to develop an ICF Core Set for Adults with CP (International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health), in collaboration with the WHO- ICF Research Branch, Switzerland and consortium partners worldwide. End result: The Comprehensive and Brief ICF Core Sets for adults with CP for international use.
Chairing the Lifespan Care Committee of the American Academies for Childhood Disability (AACPDM), 2019-2020.
In 2020 a former researcher of our group at Erasmus MC, Sander Hilberink, has been appointed professor at the Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences. His professorship addresses Cross-domain health and support needs of adults with lifelong disabilities.
Milestones for the coming 2 years
- Opening of the Child Brain Lab at Erasmus MC – Sophia Children’s hospital (2021), a testing facility for development and brain function for children with disorders of head, brain, senses or movement control. The Child Brain Lab is a linking pin between value-based health care and scientific research.
- Two rehabilitation professionals start their PhD studies on children at the Child Brain Lab, addressing (1) meaningful outcomes of communication, mobility and daily activities and (2) early detectors of unfavorable development of locomotor function.
- Implementing the PERRIN results in rehabilitation care: Easy accessible knowledge on developing trajectories of children with cerebral palsy in several life areas will be available for rehabilitation professionals, parents and youth with CP, to support them in shared decision making.