Research area
My research aims to understand and improve the physical behaviour (PB) of people with chronic conditions and apply this in rehabilitation care.
In this research, the focus is on using wearable technology in the “at home” situation. Although the research theme is not population-specific, my research focuses on people with acquired neurological conditions such as stroke. Studies include topics as the development, validation and application of objective measurement and feedback devices. Examples of this are posture and motion monitors, a wheelchair monitor, and an upper limb use monitor for stroke patients. In addition, research increasingly focuses on at-home treatment and integrating prolonged daily life measurements with technology-supported exercise.
This is what I am most proud of
A project proposal titled “ArmCoach4Stroke: an interactive tool for self-directed, home-based and personalized arm rehabilitation after stroke” (k€ 769) was granted by de Nederlandse Hartstichting, NWO, and ZonMW.
I’m the principal applicant of this project, in which several academic, clinical and private partners are involved. This project, with several partners, represents the core of the research theme, as described in the previous paragraph. Furthermore, after several years of initiating and setting up an international society on measurement of physical behaviour (ISMPB), the moment had arrived to pass on the baton to others, knowing that the Society has gained its position in the Scientific area. My founding role was awarded by a Conference Lecture named to me.
Milestones for the coming 2 years
I identify four milestones for the coming 2 years:
- The start of new research projects, in line with the principles of the ArmCoach4Stroke project;
- Improved international orientation and collaboration
- Increased use and implementation of physical behaviour wearables in clinical care
- intensified collaboration with technological academic partners