An ActiviTy TRACker for the hand: Improving daily-life hand functioning after stroke by objective activity Feedback
The aim of the ATTRACTIF project is to develop an Arm Activity Tracker for measuring and stimulating arm use in daily life in stroke patients.
Based on interviews and focus groups at Rijndam Rehabilitation, a design of the Arm Activity Tracker was made, which was evaluated and optimized in an iterative process. In the second stage of the project, a first prototype was developed and evaluated in daily life. The prototype was evaluated on user-friendliness, acceptance and technical performance. These evaluations showed that the system is user-friendly and performs acceptably from a technical point of view. Two additional components were developed on the basis of interviews with therapists and patients: a smartphone app that provides patients with detailed feedback on their daily arm-hand use, and a computer program that allows therapists to visualize patients’ arm use and provides feedback to the patient. The last stage of the project includes application of the system in a feasibility study at Rijndam. This project has been financed with a contribution of Health Holland (TKI).
Project Manager(s)
Hans Bussmann
Ruben Regterschot
1-3-2018 / 1-11-2021
Physical Behaviour monitoring
Clinical focus area
Acquired Brain Injury