Rehabilitation for fatigue in patients with Subarachnoid Haemorrhage
Part I (2017-2019): Study on determinants of fatigue and motivation for rehabilitation after subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH)
Many patients have long-term fatigue complaints after SAH. In order to develop a rehabilitation program, in this project it is examined which factors are associated with fatigue. In addition, motivation of patients with SAH for rehabilitation aimed at fatigue was assessed. A total of 44 patients with SAH who suffered from fatigue complaints were included in the study. All patients completed standardized questionnaires and they were interviewed. In addition, they wore an activity monitor for one week and completed questions about fatigue using an electronic diary during the same week. Nine patients with a perimesencephalic SAH performed a maximum cardiopulmonary exercise test (CPET) to assess their aerobic capacity. Based on data from an earlier study within this SAB research line, two articles were written about fatigue, participation and quality of life after aneurysmal SAH (accepted in the Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine) and perimesencephalic SAH (submitted). Data on fatigue assessed with an electronic diary and objectively measured exercise behaviour are now being analysed.
Part II (2019-2022): RE-SAB; Pilot study on effectiveness of a new rehabilitation program to treat fatigue after SAH
As a follow-up to the cross-sectional study, the RE-SAB rehabilitation program was developed in 2019.
SAH patients with fatigue complaints consented to follow a physical training program for 3 months at a meet-me-at-the-gym fitness centre in their own neighbourhood combined with 6 months of coaching from Rijndam Rehabilitation. Due to the COVID-19 lockdown, the pilot study could not be executed as intended, and therefore it was decided to suspend the pilot study. As an alternative, a systematic review and meta-analysis on fatigue and quality of life after SAH will be written (currently working on data-extraction). In addition, a follow-up measurement was conducted using the same standardized questionnaires as in the cross-sectional study. These results will add information about the course of possible determinants of fatigue. The VBR-financing of the project was extended by one year in order to carry out the alternative measurements. This project was additionally financed with a contribution from Erasmus MC efficiency research.Scientific Lead
01-04-2017 / 01-04-2022
Clinical focus area
acquired brain injury